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Ab Urbe Condita
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- URN:
- urn:cts:latinLit:phi0914.phi001.opp-eng13
- Work:
- Ab Urbe Condita
- Textgroup:
- phi0914
- Author:
- Livy
- Translator:
- Moore, Frank Gardner
- Language:
- English
- Series:
- Loeb Classical Library
- Alt title:
- Livy in fourteen volumes Vol VII Books XXVI-XXVII
- Host title:
- Livy in fourteen volumes, Vol VII, Books XXVI-XXVII
- Publisher:
- Harvard University Press
William Heinemann - Place publ:
- Cambridge, Mass
London - Date publ:
- 1943
- Edition:
- Reprint
- Date mod:
- 1970
- Phys descr:
- print, x, 424 pg.
- Word count:
- 516947
- Notes:
- with an English translation by F. G. Moore
Latin and English on opposing pages - Subjects:
- Europe
Rome--History--To 510 B.C
Rome--History--Republic, 510-265 B.C - Other catalog records:
- WorldCat